Behavioural Problems
Behavioural Problems - Obsessive Symptoms
The sense of instant relief, typical for compulsory behaviour, is often never achieved for obsessive thoughts and behaviours. The person is often totally preoccupied by certain activity, focused excessively on the issue, involved in repetitive cycles of behaviour which provide little or no relief. Sometimes activities are carried out to prevent something else to happen.

Obsessive Syndroms
The types of Obsessive Thoughts, Behaviours and Disorders Treated Successfully with Hypnotherapy Obsessive thoughts and behaviours can range from simple everyday behaviours such as tidiness to counting numbers or doing sums in their head to the point that they can think of nothing else. With all obsessional behaviours, it is important the degree to which the issue is taking your time and limiting the normal life.
- The following list covers the more common obsessive thoughts and behaviours that can be treated using hypnotherapy:
- Excessive jealousy or possessiveness over a partner
- Eating issues (avoiding certain foods, anorexia)
- Constant worry about something
- Sleeping problems (insomnia)
- Paranoia
- Excessive exercise
- Continual negative thoughts
- Intrusive thoughts
- Constant counting
- Excessive tidiness
- Rituals
There are many more behaviours not listed here which can be treated with hypnotherapy. Important thing to realise is that it is the underlying reason for the behaviour that is crutial and which is treated with hypnotherapy. The precise behaviours themselves are just the symptoms indicating the fundamental problem.
Many people suffering from any kind of Behavioural Problem feel a bit out of control or dragged by circumstances they can not affect just by themselves. Sometimes people may feel a little ashamed or guilty and therefore avoid seeking help. Nevertheless, help is at hand and you could get rid of these annoying habits with assistance of hypnotherapy.

Reiki Healing
Reiki treatment is healing with energies coming from the Universe sent through parctitioner's hands to different parts of recipient's body. The Reiki healing energy moves through the healer and is channelled to the recipient.

Chakra Balancing Healing
Chakras are the energy centres located troughout our body. Energy is absorbed and released from our body through these energy centres. Blocked chakras cause that no or little energy is flowing through certain parts of the body..

Fears & Phobias
Trauma - a disturbing experience and the origin of a neurosis, caused by a physical injury or emotional shock gives often rise to a phobia - an irrational fear or aversion. It can be treated by flattening the emotional charge in hypnosis.

Physical Conditions
Physical conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, skin conditions (warts, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis), migraines, pain management (burn-wound debridement, bone marrow aspirations, and childbirth) can be treated during hypnosis.

Behavioural Problems
The symptoms treatable during hypnosis include: Jealousy and Possessiveness, Eating issues, Constant worries, Insomnia, Paranoia, Excessive exercise, Negative thoughts, Intrusive thoughts, Constant counting, Excessive tidiness, Rituals.

Stress & Anxiety
Stress is a well-known trigger for depression and it can also affect your physical health. There are also many diagnosable conditions such as lack of self-confidence for which anxiety is the main symptom. Both issues can be helped with hypnosis.

Bad Habits
Bad Habits are result of Compulsive behaviour, which can range from simple everyday activities such as shopping to more reckless behaviours such as self-harming. Significant are the underling reasons, which can be treated with hypnotherapy.
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Eva is a wonderful. She not only helps to relieve stress but also heals. On a business trip recently, I injured my neck. One session with Eva ended the problem. I always leave a session with Eva feeling much better than when I came in.

Jessicca W., London